By-Laws of the Council of American Master Mariners
The Council of American Master Mariners, Inc.
Table of Contents
Article II: Termination of Membership
Article III: National Board of Governors
Article VIII: Standing Committees
Article XI Headquarters
Article XII: Name and Emblem
Article XIII: Amendments
Chapter Charters
Section 1. Application for Charters for Chapters shall be made to the Secretary of The Council of American Master Mariners, Inc. The Board of Governors is empowered to approve or disapprove said applications. In the event of the approval of an application by the Board of Governors, the applicant having paid its charter fee, a charter signed by the President and the Secretary shall be issued to such Chapter. Membership shall begin from the date of approval of the application. (amended 1991, 2008)
Section 2. A charter fee ten (10) times the annual dues shall be paid to The Council of American Master Mariners, Inc. by each Chapter Chartered. (amended 1976, 1991)
Section 3.
Section 4.
Section 1. Any Chapter may be suspended by the National Board of Governors for good and sufficient cause, when such action is considered necessary and desirable. The Board may, however, for good and sufficient cause, restore such Chapter to membership in good standing.
Section 2. Any Chapter may resign from The Council of American Master Mariners, Inc. provided said Chapter has fulfilled all its financial and other obligations to the Council of American Master Mariners, Inc. Such resignation shall be automatically effective upon delivery of the Charter of such Chapter to the Secretary/Treasurer of The Council of American Master Mariners, Inc.
Section 3. Any Chapter which shall for any reason cease to be a member of The Council of American Master Mariners, Inc. shall relinquish the name or any part of the name ?The Council of American Master Mariners, Inc.? in its Chapter name, surrender its Charter, and shall not thereafter use the name, emblem, badge or the insignia of The Council of American Master Mariners, Inc. in any way whatsoever.
Section 4. A member who is two (2) years delinquent in payment of dues to the National office shall be so notified by the Membership Committee that he has ninety (90) days in which to pay his dues and become a member in good standing. Failing to do so, he shall be notified in writing by the Membership Committee that he is no longer a member of The Council of American Master Mariners, Inc. (amended 1998)
Section 5. In the event he submits his resignation in writing to the Council, the Membership Committee before accepting the resignation, shall determine the reasons and causes for such resignation. The Membership Committee shall make every effort to have the member rescind the resignation. Failing to do so, the Membership Committee shall remove the member from the membership rolls. (amended 1998)
Section 1. The President shall be the Chairman of the Board of Governors. Said Board shall consist of not less than ten (10) members of which not less than seven (7) members shall be Regular members.(added 2014, amended 2020)
Section 2. The Executive Vice President shall be the Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors; (added 2014, amended 2020)
Section 3. The CAMM Chaplain is also included as a (non-voting) member of the BoG.(added, 2020)
Section4. Additionally, any member of the Board of Governors may nominate a CAMM Member in good standing to serve on the Board as a “Member At Large” A member so nominated must be approved by a majority of the Board of Governors. There shall be no more than three (3) “Members At Large”. (added 2014, amended and renumbered 2020)
Section 5. The Board of Governors of The Council of American Master Mariners, Inc. shall be charged with the duty of whatsoever may be necessary for the furtherance of the objects of The Council of American Master Mariners, Inc., the study and teaching of its fundamentals, the presentation of its ideals, its ethics, and its unique features of organization, and its extension throughout the world. Each member of the National Board of Governors shall have one vote. (amended and re-numbered, 2020)
Section 6. The Board of Governors shall constitute the governing body of The Council of American Master Mariners, Inc. and its action shall be final, subject only to appeal at any National Annual General Meeting. Such appeal shall be duly filed with the Secretary/Treasurer of The Council of American Master Mariners, Inc. at least thirty (30) days prior to the opening of said National Annual General Meeting. (amended 1998, 2020; renumbered 2020)
Section 7. The Board of Governors shall exercise control and supervision over all officers and committees of The Council of American Master Mariners, Inc. and may, for good cause, and after an appropriate hearing, remove an officer or committee member by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the entire Board -- provided such officer or committee member shall have been served personally (or by registered mail)with a notice containing a copy of the charges against him, at least thirty (30) days before the hearing thereon, with said notice specifying the time and place of such hearing. At the hearing such person may be represented by counsel. (amended and renumbered 2020)
Section 8. The Board of Governors shall meet at such times and places as it may determine, provided that the first meeting each year shall be held in conjunction with the National Annual General Meeting. The Board shall be allowed to conduct business by teleconference, email, or other electronic means when they are individually not able to attend the meetings at a National level. (amended 1998, 2014, 2020; renumbered 2020)
Section 9. The Board of Governors may, without meeting together, transact business by mail or email by voting upon proposed resolutions mailed or by electronic means to them by or with the approval of the President. Thirty (30) days shall be allowed for the return of the votes thereon by mail or by electronic means to the Secretary/Treasurer. The voting shall be considered closed at the end of the thirty (30) days providing a majority of the members of the Board have returned their votes by the time or it shall be considered closed any time prior thereto if and when all the governors have returned their votes. In the event the President requires immediate action on any proposed resolution he may specify a definite hour and day of reply and such time shall be final, providing the President shall have allowed a member two (2) full business days within which to consider and reply to his/her request. The majority of the votes received by the President at the time designated shall govern. (amended and renumbered, 2020)
Section 10. A majority of the members of the Board of Governors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business, except in cases otherwise provided under the Constitution and By-Laws. At annual BoG meetings and at National Annual General Meetings a quorum shall consist of the members of the Board of Governors in attendance. (amended 1998, 2020; renumbered 2020)
National Officers
Section 1. To be elected a National Officer of The Council of American Master Mariners, Inc. one must be a member in good standing of The Council of American Master Mariners, Inc. All officers except the Secretary/Treasurer shall serve without compensation. (amended 1998)
Section 2. Office of President
A. The President shall be elected for two (2)years at a National Annual General
Meeting, by secret ballot by a majority of the votes cast.
B. The President shall serve not more than two (2) consecutive terms.
C. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Governors.
D. The President shall appoint all standing committees in accordance with the By-Laws;
and shall be a member ex-officio of all standing and special committees at his/her discretion.
E. The President shall preside over all Annual General Meetings and related events.
F. The President shall supervise the work and activities of The Council of American
Master Mariners, Inc.; and
G. The President shall perform all such other duties as usually pertain to this office. (Amended 1976, 1991, 1998, 2008, 2020)
Section 3. Office of the Executive Vice President
A. The Executive Vice President shall be elected for Two (2) years at a National Annual General Meeting by secret ballot by a majority of the votes cast.
B. The Executive Vice President shall preside at all meetings when the National President is absent.
C. The Executive Vice President shall perform all such duties and responsibilities as are deemed necessary by the President and the Board of Governors, including:
1. Assist the President in carrying out CAMM’s objectives and mission(s)
2. Responsible for ALL Chapter communications and functionality
D. In the event of the death, resignation, disability, or termination (for cause) of the President – the Executive Vice President shall take over the office of
President; and the Board of Governors will appoint a new Executive Vice President to complete the unfinished term. (added 2020)
Section 4. Offices of Task-Based Vice Presidents
A. There will be various Task-Based Vice Presidents, each elected for Two (2) years at a National
Annual General Meeting by secret ballot by a majority of the votes cast.
B. Each Vice President will be “task-based “as follows:
1. Membership
2. Government. Liaison
3. International Relations and IFSMA
4. Positions & Views
5. Media, includes Sidelights,website,Social Media, and Communications
6. Events and Meetings
C. All VP’s shall assist the President and Executive VP, in carrying out CAMM’s objectives and mission(s)
D. The President and Executive Vice President shall (with review and approval by the BoG) be allowed to also assume the role of a task-based Vice President when it serves the best interests in support of CAMM’s functionality, mission, and purpose. (added new, 2020
Section 5. Office of Secretary/Treasurer
A. The Secretary/Treasurer shall be elected for Two (2)years at a National Annual General Meeting by secret ballot by a majority of the votes cast. (amended 1976, 1991, 1997, 1998, 2020)
B. The Secretary/Treasurer shall be the Financial Officer of the Council of American Master Mariners, Inc. (CAMM), and shall have the custody of the corporate funds and securities. The Secretary/Treasurer shall deposit such funds in the name of the corporation in such depositories as may be designated by the Board of Governors. The Secretary/Treasurer shall distribute the funds of the corporation as directed by the Board of Governors, shall keep records of account showing, accurately at all times, the financial condition of the corporation, and shall perform such other duties as the By-Laws require or the Board of Governors may prescribe. (amended 1997, 1998, 2008, 2010)
C. The Board of Governors shall from time to time fix the stipend paid to the Secretary/Treasurer for services rendered. (amended 1976, 1991, 1995, 1998, 2014, 2016, 2020)
D. A description of how the finances of the corporation shall be conducted is as follows:
1. CAMM’s fiscal year shall be as designated in the bylaws, Art IX, Sec I. All records of finances shall be kept on a fiscal year basis. The Secretary/Treasurer shall distribute annual dues invoices/notices to all members during the first quarter of the fiscal year (amended 2015, 2020)
2. The Secretary/Treasurer is the co-signer, with the President, of any audits done for the corporation by a hired independent auditing firm. (amended 2020)
3. The Secretary/Treasurer is co-signer, with the President, of all invested funds and negotiable instrument accounts.(amended 2020)
4. The Secretary/Treasurer, along with the President, shall liaise with any investment advisor and/or firm engaged to manage and invest CAMM funds and he/she shall report the results of these meetings to theP resident and Board of Governors. (amended 2020)
5. The Secretary/Treasurer shall report to the Board of Governors the financial health and well-being of CAMM during the interval from the immediate past Annual General Meeting and shall recap the entire year. This report shall be done quarterly,no later than 10 days after the end of the quarter. A Year-to-Date (YTD) financial report shall be made at the Annual BOG meeting, and also at the AGM. This shall also include, but not be limited to, a Statement of Cash Flow and a Statement of current Fixed Assets/Liabilities (Balance Sheet). The President may require other reports at his/her discretion. The financial report made at the Annual General Meeting shall also include the fiscal reports for the preceding year. (amended 2020)
6. The Secretary/Treasurer shall review and develop, with the President, operating budgets. These budgets shall be presented to the Finance Committee for review/approval no later than 45 days prior to the next budget year. On such approval the budget shall be presented to the Board of Governors for review,comment,and approval prior to the start of that fiscal year. (amended 2020)
7. Once the budget is approved the President is authorized to spend or not spend fund amounts as listed by category in the budget. If any category will be exceeded by $500 the President shall submit this item to the Board of Governors for approval to increase the limits for this category. The President shall have the authority to spend $500 on other items he/she deems necessary for the operation of the office of President. (amended 2020)
8. The Secretary/Treasurer shall pay routine bills covered by the budget. Travel, non-routine or bills that exceed the budget must be presented to the Board of Governors for approval.(amended 2020)
9. The Secretary/Treasurer shall hold the primary signatory control over any CAMM accounts;and as necessary move money between accounts to accomplish bill payments, CD deposits, etc. Backup Signatories are the President and Executive Vice President .(added 2104, amended 2020)
10. The Secretary/Treasurer shall review, annually, with the President and Finance Committee, the Insurance policies that the corporation may have in force and recommend their continuance or modification to the Board of Governors. (amended 2020)
11. The Secretary/Treasurer shall review, semi-annually, with the President and Finance Committee, the investments that the corporation may have and recommend their continuance or modification to the Board of Governors. (amended 2020)
12. The Secretary/Treasurer shall work with the President, and the Finance Committee,to prepare and present all items of a financial nature to the Board of Governors and, if needed, shall introduce these items for a vote of membership at each Annual General Meeting. (amended 2020)
13. The Secretary/Treasurer shall not be held responsible for the fiduciary health of CAMM’s assets as invested by direction of the Board of Governors. (amended 2020)
Section 1. A meeting of The Council of American Master Mariners, Inc. shall be held every year at a time and place to be determined as specified in the Constitution Article IX, Section 1. The normal time for holding the National Annual General Meeting shall be in the month of April and First two weeks of May. (amended 1976, 1991, 1998, 2020)
Section 2. The purpose of the National Meeting will be:
Section 3. The officers of the National Meeting shall be the National Officers together with the Committee Chairmen appointed in accordance with other provisions of these By-Laws.
Section 4. The general pattern of events at each such National Meeting shall be set by the Board of Governors. (amended 1998, 2008)
Section 5. Delegates to the National Meeting shall be elected by the respective chapters. Each delegate must be a regular member in good standing of the Chapter he represents and must present to the Credentials Committee a certificate of appointment signed by the President and Secretary of his Chapter. (amended 1991, 1998)
Section 6. All members must register in order to attend scheduled sessions of the National Meeting. The Registration Fee shall be determined annually by the National Meeting Committee.
Section 7. Financing Annual Meetings
Section 8. Appointment of Committees
Prior to each National Meeting the National President shall appoint the following committees:
The President shall designate one member of each committee as Chairman. The President shall be ex-officio member of each Committee. (amended 1998)
Section 9. Duties of Committees
Duties of Standing Committees are defined in Article VIII Section 5 of the By-Laws. (added 2014)
The duties of other committees shall be assigned by the President when such committees are appointed. (amended 1998)
Section 10. Voting at the National Meeting (amended 1998)
Robert's Rules of Order shall be the rules for conducting all matters coming before the meeting.
A Parliamentary Advisor shall be appointed by the President prior to the meeting.
Sixty (60) days prior to the National Meeting, Proxy and Ballot notices will be forwarded to all members in good standing so that they may be advised of their right to vote in person at the National Meeting or to proxy their vote an authorized delegate, or another member in good standing who will be present at the meeting. The Ballot portion of the notice will treat voting for candidates for office and amendments to the Constitution or By-Laws or any other question where the Board determines a one man one vote opinion is needed. In order to insure the security of each voting members Ballot, the National Meeting Host Chapter will secure a U.S. Postal Service post office box that will be the mailing address for the return of that year?s ballots. This designated Post Office Box will be printed on the ballot as the only destination address. Only the ballots that are in the designated Post Office Box at the close of the U.S. Post Office business the day before the election will be counted by the Election Committee. Anyone who receives a ballot from any member should forward that ballot to the designated Post Office Box for that year. Ballots that are submitted to the National Meeting that were not in the designated Post Office Box will not be counted. (amended 1976,1991, 1996, 1998)
Each Chapter will designate at least one delegate who is a member in good standing to represent such chapter and vote all proxies which have been authorized by individual members. The Treasurer and Secretary of each Chapter shall certify to the appointment of each delegate from their chapter. The proxy for the Chapter Delegate will be issued in the name of the Chapter not in the name of an individual member.(amended 1976, 2010)
A member in good standing, holding proxies for individual members will be allowed to vote for those members who have so authorized and were in good standing at the time the voting instrument was mailed. The number of ballots distributed to members in good standing shall equal the number of members in good standing calculated on the day of the mailing. (amended 1976, 1991)
In order for the proxy vote to be valid and thereby be counted in the election, certain criteria must be met: (added 2010)
Section 1.
Section 1. At the first session of the National Meeting the President shall announce the place, the day and the hour for holding the election of officers as directed by the Meeting and shall appoint an Election Committee, composed of not less than three accredited members who shall have charge of the election, the preparation and distribution of the ballots, and the counting of the same. Before the opening of the polls, the Secretary/Treasurer shall provide the committee with a list of the members in good standing as shown by the report of the Credentials Committee. (amended 1976, 1998)
Section 2. A member in good standing present shall constitute the voting body of the Meeting and shall be known as the electors. Each elector shall be entitled to cast one ballot in his own behalf and one for each member in good standing he represents by proxy. (amended 1976)
Section 3. The Election Committee shall report promptly to the Meeting the result of the balloting, which report shall be signed by a majority of the committee. After the committee has so reported, the chairman shall keep in his custody all ballots until such time as he shall be instructed by the Meeting concerning their disposal.
Section 4. If the result of any balloting fails to show a majority for any nominee, the President shall designate a time and place during the National Meeting for the casting of further ballots for that office under the supervision of the Election Committee. Prior to the second ballot the nominee having the lowest vote on the first ballot shall be dropped and on each succeeding ballot the same procedure shall be followed until some nominee shall have received a majority of all votes cast. (amended 1998)
Section 5. In the event there is no contest for any elective office, the procedure set forth in Sections 1 to 4 inclusive may, by unanimous vote, be suspended and the elections may be made by acclamation.
Section 1. There shall be the following standing committees:
A. Positions and Views Committee
B. Public Relations Committee
C. Membership Committee
D. National Annual General Meeting Committee
E. Constitution and By-Laws Committee
F. Finance Committee
G. Lalonde “Spirit of the Seas” Award Committee
(amended 1995, 1998, 2008, 2014, 2020)
Section 2. The membership of these committees shall be as follows:
A. The Positions and Views Committee shall consist of one member from each CAMM Chapter, as submitted by each Chapter President. The Chair shall be Task-Based Positions and Views VP (amended 1991, 2020; re-lettered 2020)
B. The Public Relations Committee shall be appointed by the Task-Based Media VP, (who will also Chair this Committee ) from among those CAMM members in good standing that ares skilled in this special field. (amended 1991, 2020)
C. The Membership Committee shall be appointed by the Task-Based Membership VP, who will also Chair this Committee. (amended 1976, 1991, 2020; re-lettered 2020)
D. The National Annual General Meeting Committee shall be appointed by the Task-Based Events VP (who will also Chair this Committee) -- as soon as practicable after the time and place of the National Annual General Meeting shall have been determined. (amended& re-lettered, 2020)
E. The Constitution and By-Laws Committee shall consist of a Chairman and members appointed by the President. (added 1995, amended& re-lettered, 2020)
F. The Finance Committee shall consist of the National Secretary / Treasurer and two (2) members in good standing(one of which should be Chair), as appointed by the President. (added 2008, amended& re-lettered, 2020).
G. The Lalonde "Spirit of the Seas Award" shall be awarded annually or as deemed appropriate through a committee comprised of five (5) members of The Council of American Master Mariners, Inc. in good standing as appointed by the President. The President shall appoint a Chair from amongst the five (5)members appointed. No two (2) members may be appointed from the same Chapter to ensure as broad a membership coverage as possible,and to appropriately represent all three (3)coasts.
Note: See Article V, Section 2. F (Amended and re-lettered 2020)
Section 3. The President may from time to time, with the approval of the Board of Governors, appoint such special committees as may be necessary, in his/her judgment or in the judgment of the Board of Governors.(amended 2008, 2020)
Section 4. The President shall designate the chairman of each committee appointed by him/her, and shall have the power to fill all vacancies that occur in such committee, except as otherwise provided in Section 1 hereof. (amended 2020)
Section 5. All Standing Committee action shall be subject to ratification by the Board of Governors (no change)
Section 6. Duties of Standing Committees (amended, revised and re-formatted 2020)
A. Positions and Views Committee
1. The Positions and Views Committee during the course of the operating year shall consider and recommend appropriate Positions and Views to be taken by the Council in implementing its National Resolutions. Such positions shall encompass, but not be limited to, existing, pending or proposed legislation; shall represent matters of major significance in keeping with the objectives of the Constitution of the Council; and shall include suggested action to be taken by the National Officers, Committees, Chapters and Members.
2. Recommended Positions and Views shall be submitted to the Board of Governors through the President. The Board of Governors members shall be given ten days for submitting official comments or objections. These shall be given full consideration at the time the Board takes appropriate final action. (amended 1991, 2008)
3. The Positions Committee is constituted as the Resolutions Committee for purposes of the National Annual General Meeting and shall receive from individual Chapters or groups, or individual CAMM members, proposed resolutions on any subject which falls within the scope of the objectives of The Council of American Master Mariners, Inc. Such suggested resolutions shall be presented to the Chairman of the Committee or to the National Secretary/Treasurer in ample time to permit the Committee properly to consider the scope and text of such resolution prior to the day of the Annual General Meeting. This Committee shall carefully consider all proposed resolutions submitted to it and may, on its own initiative, formulate and recommend additional resolutions. Unless the scope of any proposed resolution be clearly outside of or in conflict with, the broad objectives of The Council of American Master Mariners, Inc., the same shall be reported out by the committee to the Annual General Meeting. If the committee is unable to agree unanimously on the merits or text of any resolution(s), it shall present to the final session of the Annual General Meeting provided that there shall be at least two members of the committee subscribing to the minority report, who shall be given any opportunity to present and argue their views before the meeting delegates.
B. Public Relations Committee
1. Shall consult with the Executive Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer as to methods and programs of Public Relations which will in its judgment, best serve the objectives of the Council.
2. The Committee shall study and make recommendations specifically on ways and means of informing the membership, the American people and Government officials regarding the operations of the Council.
C. Membership Committee
1. Shall review all applications for membership and fully vet each applicant for proper designation of membership type.
2. Shall forward all applications fulfilling the requirements for membership (together with their comments and recommendations)to the Board of Governors for their final review and vote of approval of all applicants for membership into CAMM. (amended 1998, 2020)
D. National Annual General Meeting Committee
Shall have full charge of all arrangements for the National Annual General Meeting, subject to consultation with and approval by the Board of Governors. (amended 1998, 2008, 2020)
E. Constitution and By-Laws Committee
1. Review all proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws submitted to the Secretary/Treasurer. (amended 1998)
2. Determine the proposed amendment's intent, desired effect and validity.
3. Identify other Constitution and By-Law Articles affected by the proposed amendment, if any, should the proposed amendment be adopted.
4. Ascertain that the proposed amendment is couched in proper language and correctly placed in the Constitution and By-Laws with regard to any applicable Article(s).
5. Accept or reject the proposed amendment for a ballot vote in accordance with Article XIII of the By-Laws.
6. Report to the Board of Governors and advise them of any proposed amendment the Committee has rejected, including the reason(s) for rejection. In such cases of Committee rejection By-laws Article XIII Section 1(4) [Board of Governors approval, proposal and vote] and Article VIII Section 4 above shall apply. (amended 1995)
F. Finance Committee:
1. Assist the National Secretary/Treasurer as requested;
2. Monitor, review and report the organization’s investments to the Board of Governors;
3. Evaluate the investment strategies and policies of the organization;
4. Review and approve the annual budget.
(added 2008; re-lettered 2020)
G. Lalonde Award Committee: (re-lettered 2020)
1. Nominations for the award shall be open to any National Member in good standing, who best embodies the ideals of humanitarianism, professionalism, lifetime achievement, noteworthy accomplishment, contribution to the maritime industry and the Spirit of the Sea in their everyday lives. (amended 2005,2014)
2.Publish annually in the fall issue of the Council periodical, a nomination form for the award. The committee shall then select a recipient by January 31st t from the nominees they consider best qualified and most worthy. Committee members are not eligible to receive the award while serving on the committee. (added 2000,amended 2014)
Section 1. The fiscal year of The Council of American Master Mariners, Inc. shall extend from October first to September thirtieth. The fiscal year of the Chapters shall extend from October first to September thirtieth.(amended 2015)
Section 2. On or before the thirtieth day of September each year, each chapter shall certify to the National Secretary/Treasurer the names by title of its elected officers and total number of its members in good standing of all classifications carried on its membership rolls as of the end of its fiscal year and shall furnish a complete list of such members including their business connections, mailing addresses, and the class of membership held. This list shall be signed by the Chapter President and Chapter Secretary and shall be transmitted to the National Secretary/Treasurer of The Council of American Master Mariners, Inc. on or before the date indicated. (amended 1998, 2015)
Section 3. Each member, excepting Honorary and Life members, shall pay to the Secretary/Treasurer of The Council of American Master Mariners, Inc., annually the annual dues set for that year payable on the First day of January. Life Members shall have paid the sum of 10 times the annual dues at the time they are accepted for Life membership and 50% of the current dues rate thereafter. (amended 1991, 1997, 1998) Nothing in these By-Laws shall preclude the respective chapters from providing for payment of chapters? dues to finance chapter activities.
Section 4. The Finance Committee shall recommend to the President any dues increase as a result of the budget approval process. The President will present the recommendation to the BOG at least 60 days prior to the AGM for approval at the AGM.(added 2010)
Section 1. The Board of Governors may publish or have published under its supervision and control a periodical reporting its transactions.
Section 1. The Headquarters of The Council of American Master Mariners, Inc. shall be maintained in the State residence of the sitting National President. (amended 1991, 2004, 2008)
Section 1. In further fulfillment of the purposes and objects of The Council of American Master Mariners, Inc., the Board of Governors shall create, adopt and preserve an emblem, badge or other Insignia for the exclusive use and benefit of all members, which shall be registered in the United States Patent Office.
Section 2. Neither the name, emblem, badge or other insignia of The Council of American Master Mariners, Inc. nor the name, emblem or badge or other insignia of any Chapter shall be used by any Chapter or by any member of a Chapter as a trademark or special brand for merchandise.
Section 1. Amendments to the By-Laws may be made at a National business meeting provided: