The Council of American Master Mariners, Inc.

Columbia River Chapter

Chapter Meets the 2nd Friday of Every Month, September through May



Next Meeting: 12 April


Columbia River meets at 12 noon on the 2nd Friday of the month at  Cove Restaurant,  , Vancouver, WA.

Guests Welcome.


Contact Captain Bill Good (Chapter Sec/Treas) at for more information


Upcoming Meeting Dates:


March  14

April 11

May 9



Columbia River Chapter News


President           Paul Siracusa

Vice President   William Gould

Sec/Tres            Bill Good (

The Columbia River Chapter serves the Columbia River Ports and Oregon Coastal areas. We are a fraternal and benevolent society, contributing to the well being of its members both professionally and socially.


Our mission is to recognize, foster and otherwise assist all wise and provident measures dedicated to the furtherance of the Maritime industry of the United States of America; to assist in the enhancement of the stature of the American Master Mariner; and to promote accomplishment of those purposes set forth in the Declaration of Policy in the constitution of the national Council of American Master Mariners, Inc.


The Columbia River Chapter was chartered on April 15, 2002, making it the newest chapter.


Become a Columbia River Member

Any member of the National CAMM in good standing, residing, working, or otherwise situated along the Columbia River and tributaries is eligible to join the Columbia River chapter.


Annual dues for the Columbia River Chapter are $20. To apply for Columbia River Chapter Membership, please fill out and print the membership application and mail to the address below, or contact Paul Siracusa for an application and more information.


Columbia River CAMM Chapter



Meeting Minutes

Meeting minutes will be posted when available.



Chapter Officers


President Paul Siracusa


Vice President - Captain  William Gould


Secretary / Treasurer Captain Bill Good

The Council of American Master Mariners, Inc.