The Council of American Master Mariners, Inc.
Lalonde Spirit of the Seas Award
2021 Recipiet Captain Frank Zabrocky
Captain William H. Boyce
Captain William H. Boyce is the 2021 Lalonde Spirit of the Sea Award winner. He was introduced by Captain Frank Zabrocky the 2020 Lalonde Award Winner. Captain Zabrocky noted that Captain Boyce demonstrated leadership and courage when he was in commoand of the MV Green Lake during the rescue of seven seaman from the turbulent waters of the North Pacific. Captain Zabrocky said, “ The Council of American Master Mariners recognizes and honors the humanitarianism, professionalism and seamanship of Captain Boyce’s accomplishments by presenting him the Lalonde Spirit of the Seas Award, our highest and most distinguished award.”
On December 31, 2018, Captain Boyce and the crew of the MV Green Lake went to the aid of the Sincerity Ace, which had caught fire in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Captain Boyce and his crew spent 18 hours battling high winds and rough seas searching for missing mariners and rescuing seven crew members who had abandon the burning Sincerity Ace.
On November 1, 2019, Maritime Administration Mark H. Buzby presented the Gallant Ship award to Green Lake, and honored Captain Boyce, his crew and Central Gulf Lines for their efforts. The award is given to any U.S. or foreign ship “participating in outstanding or gallant action in a marine disaster or other emergency to save life or property at sea.” The award has been given to only 41 ships since 1944 and this was the first time the award had been presented in 25 years. All members of the crew received U.S. Merchant Marine Medals for Outstanding Achievement. The Green Lake’s captain and crew received more honors including gold medals from the Association for Rescue at Sea (AFRAS), the Admiral of the Ocean Sea (AOTOS) Awards, and the 2022 Humanitarian Lighhouse Award from the Global Maritime Ministries.
During the rescue of crew members from the Sincerity Ace, Captain Boyce demonstrated exceptional shiphandling skills. His leadership in dealing with the psychological needs of his crew and the sailors he rescued showed his true professionalism. In the aftermath of rescue, Captain Boyce became acutely aware that while his crew performed admirably, it was not without consequences. Many were traumatized and were in need of counseling. Captain Boyce believes that the public should be aware of the psychological cost of going to sea and that more needs to be done to insure the mental well-being of seafarers.
Captain William H. Boyce is a 1978 graduate of the United States Merchant Marine Academy. After graduation he began sailing with Sea-Land Service and in 1991 was selected as Master in the SS Sea-Land Expedition. In 2014, Captain Boyce was hired as Master with Central Gulf where he sailed continuously until he retired in 2020.
Captain Boyce and his wife, Wendy have a blended family of six children. One of his sons (Conner) graduated from Texas Maritime Academy. Prior to his retirement, Conner joined Captain Boyce’s ship as Third Mate. They sailed together for several months – a unique and gratifying experience for both.
To see details of the Gallant Ship Award go to:
Lalonde Spirit of the Seas Award - History
The Father Maurice Lalonde Spirit of the Seas Award is the highest honor that the Council of American Master Mariners can give its members. It is named for one of our members, Captain/Father Maurice Lalonde. Father Lalonde, in his early career, graduated from the New York State Maritime Academy and served as a Naval Officer in WW II. He then went back to sea as a civilian mariner, sailing in all deck officer billets, including Master Mariner. He then came ashore and studied for the Catholic priesthood. After his ordination, he went back to sea for awhile and donated his salary to his priestly order. He again returned ashore and spent most of his remaining career as a foreign missionary. He obviously is a man of a tremendously giving nature. The recipients of this award represent this kind of overall selfless spirit.
Past recipients are:
2022 Captain William H. Boyce
2021 Captain Frank Zabrocky
2018 Captain RJ Klein
2017 Father Sinclair Oubre
2016 Captain John A. Cartner
2015 Captain Pat Moloney
2014 Captain Don Moore, Jr.
2012 Captain Tim Brown
2011 Captain Tom Bradley
2010 Commodore Kenneth Orcutt
2009 Captain Charles “Chick” Gedney
2007 Captain James Morgan
2006 Edward Frank Oliver
2005 Captain Dominick Calicchio
2004 Captain Warren Leback
1999 Father Maurice Lalonde
Lalonde Spirit of the Seas Award - Nominations
Nominations for the Lalonde “Spirit of the Seas” award open in September and is awarded at the National Annual General Meeting the following spring.
Deadline for nominations is January 15 of the presentation year.
All nominations must be submitted by email or mailed and postmarked by January 15 (See Form for email address and mailing address)
Download: Nomination Form
The Lalonde “Spirit of the Seas” Award is the Council’s most distinguished honor. The award is made annually or as deemed appropriate by an Awards Committee comprised of the National’s Vice Presidents and Ex-Officio National President.
Nominations are open to any member in good standing for all of the following: humanitarianism, professionalism, seamanship, life-time achievement and noteworthy accomplishments, along with contributions to the maritime industry and the 'Spirit of the Seas' in their everyday lives. An eligible nominee may be a member in any category of the CAMM National organization in good standing (who is/was current in their dues to CAMM National and to their chapter, if they were also chapter members). Individuals must be nominated by a CAMM National member who also is in good standing.
For additional applications, information or guidelines and rules, contact Captain Lewis ( or your Chapter President.
Lalonde Spirit of the Seas Award - Winner Notification and Acceptance
The winner will be notified in advance by the Lalonde Review Committee. If nominee is the winner, he/she must make every effort to attend the annual meeting Closing Dinner. Because of the prestigious nature of this award, the winner’s Chapter should be an enabler to encourage and assist winner to be present to receive the award in person. If because of poor health, the winner can’t attend please list their designee (show name & ID number) who will accept the award in their behalf.